Tevfik Demirciftci and Amanda Belarmino (both Hospitality) presented “Competitive Intelligence in the Hospitality Industry. Perspectives of Turkish Revenue Managers, A Pilot Study“at the 2019 Global Conference on Business and Economics (GLOBE) in Istanbul.  Additionally, Demirciftci, a Ph.D. student, has successfully defended his dissertation…
David G. Schwartz (Faculty Affairs) recently gave an invited presentation to a visiting management group from London's Hippodrome Casino. The talk, “Parallels between the United Kingdom and Las Vegas Gaming Markets, 1950 to Now," positioned the current UK gaming market in the context of past and current trends in Las Vegas, and offered…
Colleen Hall-Patton (Sociology) made a poster presentation called "Wait! What? Modern Quilting in the 1950s?" at the American Quilt Study Group conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Alberto de Salvatierra (Architecture), working in conjunction with undergraduate student Carley Pasqualotto (Architecture), was selected as a finalist in the 10th Non Architecture Competition: Dying. Their speculative design, "Project OSSuary," calls for the design and construction of Orbital Space Stations (OSS) in low-Earth orbit within the…
P. Jane Hafen (English) presented and participated on a panel, Native American Women Activists: Resistance, Resilience, and Passing the Torch, at the National Portrait Gallery, sponsored by the National Museum of the American Indian.
Romeo Jackson (Student Diversity and Social Justice) recently co-authored a peer-reviewed article with Alex C. Lange & Antonio Duran in the Journal of College Student Development titled "The State of LGBT and Queer Research in Higher Education Revisited: Current Academic Houses and Future Possibilities."
Deborah Arteaga (World Languages and Cultures) published the following edited volume, Contributions of Romance Languages to Current Linguistic Theory (Springer Press), to which she also contributed the chapter "Obviation and Old French Subjunctive Clauses."
Amanda Belarmino (Hospitality) and her co-authors' paper "Share and Share Alike?" was recently published in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. The paper evaluated how the set-up of online beer marketplaces impacts the perceptions of source attractiveness as moderated by the perceived risks to encourage exchange behaviors.
Kenneth Izuora (Medicine), Edwin Oh (NIPM), Jeffrey Ebersole (Dental), and Arpita Basu (Kinesiology & Nutrition Sciences), along with Aaron Calvano, '19 BS Kinesiology, published an invited review in Food & Function based on their ongoing collaborations on the role of dietary bioactive compounds in diabetes, insulin resistance, and…

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