Qingmin Shi (Decision Support) along with Kathryn Tucker, Gwen Sharp, Tony Scinta, and Sandip Thanki from Nevada State College, recently published a paper, “Fostering Historically Underserved Students' Success: An Embedded Peer Support Model that Merges Non-Cognitive Principles with Proven Academic Support Practices” in The Review of Higher…
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) and Brianna Miloz (Arizona State University) published an article in the latest publication of the NASPA Multiracial Knowledge Community E-Book. Their article is titled "Defining Blackness through Lived Experiences."
Sarah Deredza, Tonya Bryant, Mailo Brantner, and Jud Simonds (all Nursing) successfully defended their DNP Projects to earn the title of doctor. Deredza focused on “The Impact of Culture-specific Education on the Knowledge and Behavior Related to Screening and Lifestyle Management of Blood Pressure in African Migrants.” Bryant focused on “…
Linda Lister (Music) wrote Chapter 3, "Yoga for Singers," in the new Rowman and Littlefield release So You Want to Sing with Awareness. Published in April and edited by Matthew Hoch of Auburn University, the book is volume 19 of the "So You Want to Sing" series co-sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Singing. …
Dr. Jordana Haber (Medicine) spoke on the topic of "Intimate Partner Violence - Strangulation and the Brain - Understanding the Intersections" as an invited guest speaker (via Zoom) for the "All Women's Speaker Conference" earlier this month for the Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency Program at Brigham and…
UNLV American Marketing Association Student Chapter (Marketing and International Business) recently competed in the American Marketing Association's annual collegiate international case competition and tied for second place alongside University of Pennsylvania and British Columbia Institute of Technology. The student teams developed…
Aaron Saiewitz (Accounting) published an article with Dave Piercey (University of Massachusetts Amherst) titled “Too Big to Comprehend? A Research Note on How Large Number Disclosure Format Affects Voter Support for Government Spending Bills” in the journal Behavioral Research in Accounting. In this study, the authors report an experiment…
Howard R. D. Gordon (Teaching and Learning) recently served on an online panel that focused on "Career and Technical Education (CTE) Publishing and Professional Organizations," for ECMC foundation of Postsecondary CTE 2020 Research Fellows. He was also appointed to the editorial board of The CTE Journal. 
Joel Snyder (Psychology), along with David Little and Mounya Elhilali, both of Johns Hopkins University, has published a paper on computational modeling of auditory perception in PLoS Computational Biology. Little formerly was a post-doctoral fellow in psychology at UNLV.  

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