Amy Reed-Sandoval (Philosophy) was interviewed for the New Books network about her book Socially Undocumented: Identity and Immigration Justice.
Szu-Ping Lee (Physical Therapy) is the recipient of the 2020 Community-Based Research Faculty Award given by the office of community engagement. He was recognized for his “Mobility and Patient Perceived Outcomes in Older Adults with Limb Loss” community-based research project in collaboration with multiple community partners. The award criteria is…
Brendan Morris (Electrical and Computer Engineering) is the winner of the 2020 College of Engineering Distinguished Teacher Award.
Lung-Chang Chien (Environmental and Occupational Health) recently published an article on "Global Trends and Gaps in Research Related to Latent Tuberculosis Infection" in the journal BMC Public Health. This study assesses trends in publication of research related to latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI).
Kevin Wright (Student Diversity & Social Justice) and Marissa Weiss of Rhode Island College published the inaugural publication representing the Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services Knowledge Community in The Annual Knowledge Community Publication published by NASPA-Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education.  Their…
Pramen P. Shrestha (Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Construction), Shae Deschutter (Engineering) and Jennifer Reff (Electrical and Computer Engineering) recently were honored for their service to College of Engineering. Shrestha is a professor and graduate coordinator. Deschutter is assistant director of academic advising for…
Francisco Valenzuela (Life Sciences) a senior biology pre-professional student, recently was awarded the 2020 Student Service Award from the UNLV office of community engagement. Among other activities, Valenzuela's service includes organizing a sock and underwear drive for The Shade Tree, a shelter for homeless and abused …
Emma Frances Bloomfield (Communication Studies) published an article in The Conversation titled, "How to Talk to Someone You Believe is Misinformed About the Coronavirus." The article provides information about common misperceptions about the coronavirus and strategies for correcting misinformation.
Helen J. Wing and Joy McKenna (both Life Sciences) have published a primary research article, "The Anti-Activator of Type III Secretion, OspD1, is Transcriptionally Regulated by VirB and H-NS from Remote Sequences in Shigella Flexneri," in a recent edition of the Journal of Bacteriology (ASM Journal). Their work reveals that…

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