Tracy Johnson (Liberal Arts), Valarie Burke (Vice Provost Academic Affairs), Stacy Shapin (Fine Arts), Kristie Berthelotte (Fine Arts), Heather Hatch (Academic Success Center), Chris Parker (Engineering), Sal Mora (Academic Success Center), David Belt (Sciences), and Michael Biesiada (Business) made presentations at the annual NACADA (National Academic Advising Association) Region 9 conference held at the University of California, Berkeley. The presentations included:
o Johnson and Burke on "Academic Advisors Collaborating Across Campus for Veteran Student Initiatives."
o Shapin and Berthelotte on "The Tip of the Iceberg: Identifying and Utilizing the Hidden Strengths of Introverted Advisors for More Purposeful Student and Professional Development."
o Hatch and Burke on "Choosing a Major: An Institutional Survey of Potential Cause and Effect."
o Parker, Johnson, Mora, Belt, and Biesiada on "Technology in Advising: Campus Collaboration Assessing Student Technology Needs in Advising."
o Biesiada on "Preparing for a Graduate Education in Business"