Szu-Ping Lee (Physical Therapy), delivered a platform presentation titled "Individuals with Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Exhibit Diminished Ability in Maintaining Unipedal Balance" during the American Physical Therapy Association's combined sections meeting held in Las Vegas in February. The study investigated balance performance in individuals with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction. Knowledge gained from this study can help clinicians identify individuals with leg tendon disease and balance deficits. Additionally, Lee, along with kinesiology & nutrition science alums Diana Contreras, Delani Denton, and Jade Young, presented "Application of a Criterion-Based Timed Up-and-Go Test: a Reliability and Validity Study" during the Gerontological Society of America's annual meeting in New Orleans in November. The "Timed Up and Go" test is an assessment commonly used to quantify functional mobility and fall risk in older adults.