Margot Mink Colbert (Dance) was honored to have been invited to participate in UNLV’s first annual Summer Proposal Writing Institute, which took place in June. Five workshop sessions culminated in a grant submission to the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) for a project in the dance department. “100 Years and Beyond: Contemporary Ballet in the Making,” included staging three historic ballets from Labanotation, creation of three new ballets, a forum discussion, and documentation for an online portal for future study.
The institute was created and led by the Division of Research and Economic Development and the office of sponsored programs. Small-group sessions allowed participants to receive individualized attention from faculty mentors as they actively worked on their proposals, with the ultimate objective an NEA or National Science Foundation grant submission. Faculty mentors included representatives from life sciences, psychology, engineering, and geoscience. Participants represented the colleges/schools of Liberal Arts, Business, Community Health Sciences, Education, Engineering, Fine Arts, and Urban Affairs, as well as the Division of Health Sciences.