Faculty Sara Rosenkranz, Andrew Hooyman, Richard Rosenkranz (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), along with students Chris Acosta, Jose Hidalgo, CindyRomina Ballesteros Paniagua (all Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Daniela Gonzalez-Alvarez (Social and Behavioral Health) presented compelling research on infant formula preparation at the recent International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska,
One presentation, titled "Variability and error in measurement of infant formula powder and water: an experimental study," investigated the factors responsible for measurement inconsistencies. The other presentation, titled "Accuracy in measurement of formula powder and water by caregivers with and without a crying baby present," explored real-world challenges caregivers face. Together, these presentations provided a comprehensive picture of factors influencing accurate formula preparation, highlighting the need for further research and potential interventions to ensure optimal infant nutrition.