Kara Radzak, Michelle Samuel, Courtney Alley, and Chris Blonk, all of the athletic training program (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences) along with alumnae Chloe Kipnis, '16 MS Kinesiology, attended the 2017 Far West Athletic Trainers Association (FWATA) meeting, during which Radzak, Samuel, and Blonk served as instructors for a laboratory session focused on tourniquets, hemostatic agents, and airways. Alley and Kipnis gave presentations pertaining to their thesis findings during the peer-reviewed poster session. The FWATA Research and Grants Committee awarded first place to the UNLV-based research team of Kipnis, Samuel, Dick Tandy (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), Kristyne Wiegand (Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences), and Radzak for their poster presentation titled “The Acute Effects of Different Foam Rolling Timing Durations on Hamstring Flexibility.”