To request the PDF form/handbook/application listed below, email your applied instructors or the music office at with the name of the PDF document as it is listed.
Please fill out the Permissions Request Form with the requested information:
1. Name
3. Class and section number (ex. MUS 221-1001)
4. Reason for permission
5. Upload screenshot of professor's requested permission from email.
Your Permission will be entered within 1 week from submission. If you have any issues after submitting, please email the School of Music Undergraduate Coordinator, Dr. Shawna Pennock at
- Advising
- Ensemble Requirement
- Individual Applied Lessons Grading Policy
- Individual Applied Lessons
- Minimum Course Grade
- Music Supervised Teaching Application
- Piano Proficiency Examination
- Piano Proficiency Packet
- Satisfactory Progress Evaluation Form
- Senior Project Approval Form for B.A. Music Candidates
- Music Theory Proficiency Sample Exam
- Music Theory Proficiency Study Guide
- Dismissal Policy
- DMA Qualifying Exam, Music History: Description and Sample Questions
- Graduate Advising
- Graduate Forms
- Graduate Music Education Practicum Application
- Graduate Placement Exam Information
- Graduate Student Checklist
- Graduate Study Timeline
- Graduate Student Music Handbook
- Music Supervised Teaching Application - Graduate
- Composition Handbook
- Jazz and Commercial Music Studies Handbook
- Music Education Handbook
- Musicology Handbook
- Percussion Handbook
- String Handbook
- Vocal Handbook
- Wind Band Studies Handbook
- Woodwind Handbook
- Applied Juries
- Instrumental Jury Form
- Instrumental Repertoire Form
- Vocal Jury Form
- Vocal Repertoire Form
- Graduate Independent Study Request Form
- Instrument Rental Contract
- Instrument Use Policy
- Locker Rental Agreement
- Locker Use Policy
- Piano Use Policy
- Independent Study Form