Budapest '18
Members of the UNLV Community Concert Band in Budapest, Hungary, 2018
Formed in January of 1987, the UNLV Community Concert Band is under the aegis of the UNLV Bands and is offered as a non-credit course through the UNLV Department of Educational Outreach. UNLV Students may also receive academic credit at the regular percredit rate.
The band is comprised of local Las Vegans and Clark County residents representing every professional field of endeavor and has performed numerous concerts on and off the UNLV campus, many of which have helped benefit local charities such as Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Southern Nevada, Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada and Helping Hands of Henderson. Other special performances include concerts for the 40th Anniversary of UNLV Continuing Education (now Educational Outreach) in 2006, the 50th Anniversary of the United States Air Force in 1997 and Congressional Academy Night hosted by Senators Harry Reid, and Richard Bryan and U.S. Representatives Jim Bilbray and Barbara Vucanovich in 1990.
The band has developed into a musical organization capable of performing some of the most challenging repertoire written for the wind band idiom and has played for several distinguished guest conductors including, Col. John R. Bourgeois, Director, United States Marine Band ("The President's Own"), Washington, D.C., Dr. W. J. Julian, Director of Bands Emeritus, University of Tennessee, Dr. Paula Crider, Director Emeritus, University of Texas Longhorn Band and renown Hollywood television and motion picture composer and arranger Warren Barker. Academically, the band serves as an invaluable laboratory ensemble for graduate students in the UNLV School of Music masters and doctoral conducting degree programs.
To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the UNLV Community Concert Band, the firstever award of UNLV Artist-In-Residence funding was granted to commission a composition by composer and Juilliard Music Faculty Professor Eric Ewazen. During St. Patrick's Day festivities in 2009, members of the band presented a concert at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland. To celebrate its 25th Anniversary, the band presented two special concerts at home in 2012 and traveled to Italy in June 2012. Accompanied by special guest conductor Col. John Bourgeois, Director Emeritus, United States Marine Band, Washington, D. C., the group presented a concert in Palestrina, Italy with touring in Rome, Florence and Venice.
The group rehearses each Wednesday evening from 7pm-9:20pm during regular fall and spring semesters. Registration is $30 for all non-UNLV students. Interested persons must register on-line (please see 'UNLV Educational Outreach' course offerings at edoutreach@unlv.edu website). Please contact Prof. Anthony LaBounty (tony.labounty@unlv.edu) for additional information.