Incoming UNLV USPS Mail

  • The entire university is one mailing address.
  • Individual departments are identified by a “Mail Code” which is required in the address of the mail piece to identify the final destination.
  • The Mail Code for your area is determined by the UNLV Mail Center.
  • All campus mail destinations are identified by the box number “45” plus 4 digit Mail Code. For example: Box 451045 = UNLV Mail Center.
  • The Mail Code is also helpful when displayed as the suffix to the zip code 89154-XXXX.
  • The inbound label should reflect the following example:
    First and Last name              John Doe
    Department                       Mail Center
    Box 45XXXX                       Box 451045  
    Street Address                   4505 S. Maryland Pkwy
    City, State and Zip-XXXX         Las Vegas, NV 89154-1045
  • The USPS delivers incoming mail to UNLV at approximately 7 a.m. All properly addressed mail identified by a mail code is processed and ready for the same day delivery to departments beginning at 10 a.m. via established routes.
  • The UNLV Mail Center handles all insufficiently addressed mail in accordance with USPS policies:
    • An improperly addressed mail piece requires research to identify the destination department, which can delay delivery of the mail piece for several business days.
    • Upon resolution, the addressee is requested to notify the sender of corrected address, to avoid future delays.
    • First Class Mail that is improperly addressed where a Mail Code cannot be identified will be returned to the sender.
    • Insufficiently addressed standard and bulk mail without an endorsement will be recycled in accordance with USPS policies.
  • The Mail Center should be notified as soon as possible of any needed creation of (or changes to) a mail code or employee status (resulting from hiring, office moves, reorganizations, reassignments, etc).
  • Business Reply Mail is received daily. It is sorted according to department’s name on the mail piece and then charged back to the department on a monthly basis. The pieces will be bundled and returned to the department. There is normally a 24-hour turnaround from the receipt of BRM mail pieces by Mail Center to department delivery.
  • BRM service enables mailers to receive First-Class mail by paying postage only on the mail which is returned. All business reply postage and handling charges are billed back to initiating departments. UNLV BRM guarantees payment to the US Postal Service of the appropriate First-Class postage plus a handling charge per piece.
  • The correct format of a Business Reply envelope is shown below. The piece must conform to a specific format to qualify as BRM, including a unique ZIP+4 code assigned by the USPS.
  • To design any Business Reply envelope or card, consult with the university Mail Center for proper format; be sure to have proofs approved before printing (or let the Mail Center design these for you).
  • A special format is required for Business Reply mail for foreign countries. Contact the Mail Center for further information.
Business Reply Envelope

Outgoing UNLV USPS Mail

  • Official university mail is processed with appropriate postage by the UNLV Mail Center. Outgoing mail is delivered once daily (Monday through Friday, holidays excluded) to the Sunset Post Office.
  • Mail that must be posted same day but is not ready prior to the last pickup for the day will have to be delivered by the department to the Mail Center by noon.
  • All outgoing UNLV mail must have a return address that includes mailbox number. USPS preferred guidelines:
    • Address should be typewritten.
    • Preferred font: HELVETICA or ARIAL (in all caps).
    • Text should be uniformly aligned to the left.
    • Normal punctuation should be deleted (use spaces instead).
    • Use black ink on white background.
    • Text should be clear and sharp and without touching or overlapping characters.
    • Text should be clearly visible in window envelopes, even when the insert shifts.

Bulk Mail

  • A standard mailing requires a minimum of 200 identical pieces or 50 lbs. to qualify for Bulk Mail. Identical means the only difference in pieces is the address. A permit imprint showing that postage has been paid must be printed or imprinted on each piece. Only pieces sent to a U.S. address may be part of a bulk mailing. International mail does not qualify for bulk mail.
  • The U.S. Postal Service regulates the university’s continuing eligibility to mail at special nonprofit rates, and failure to follow U.S. Postal Service regulations could result in the revocation of the university’s non-profit mail permit.
  • The UNLV Mail Center is the only authorized entity to affix non-profit standard rates postage through the Bulk Mail Permit to assure compliance.
  • The Mail Center manager or designee is responsible to certify that the mailings meet the standards required by the regulations. Reference U.S. Postal Service Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).
  • Materials should be submitted for review by the Mail Center prior to being printed or otherwise your mail will go out the higher rate of standard rates.
  • Listed below are common regulations governing all classes of mail which can be sent out at Bulk Mail rates. Mail Center requests that all campus departments route all proposed bulk mailing material through Mail Center prior to printing.

Campus Distribution

  • If you have a university sponsored handout or flyer to be distributed campus wide, fill out the printing order to instruct the Mail Center who should receive it. We can send it to teaching faculty, professional staff, classified staff. We also deliver to department heads and to each mail stop for posting.
  • When the handout is delivered to the Mail Center, we will put the proper amount of copies in each box to accommodate the requested distribution. It is then up to the department to distribute it at their mail stop.
  • If your distribution has individual names and departments on them, we require that they be in box code order for distribution.
  • When a department has a large campus distribution, it is required that the department put the mailing in order by department box code.
  • For a campus sponsored distribution for an outside organization, there are guidelines to be followed.
  • There is a cost per piece.
  • The same guidelines apply as labeling inter-campus mail.
  • The requirements for non-university related material is:
    • Must have prior contact with a university department.
    • Mail Center must be notified by that department of their involvement.
    • There must be a department disclaimer or statement of their involvement printed on the flyer.
    • Must in some way benefit university employees.

USPS Special Services