
Interim is a national annual of new poetry and fiction. Recent numbers include issues dedicated to work in Translation and one devoted to the life and writing of poet Alice Notley. Claudia Keelan serves as the current editor-in-chief and Andrew Nicholson serves as the current assistant editor.

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MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States has been a vital resource for scholarship and teaching on multi-ethnic US literature for more than forty years. Published quarterly, MELUS illuminates the national, international, and transnational contexts of US ethnic literature. Transnational contexts of US ethnic literature. serves as the current editor-in-chief Gary Totten serves as the current editor-in-chief.

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Popular Culture Review

Popular Culture Review is the refereed journal of the Far West Popular Culture and American Culture Associations, sponsored by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and is published twice yearly. Members of the FWPCA/FWACA receive each issue as part of membership.

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Witness blends the features of a literary and an issue-oriented magazine to highlight the role of the modern writer as witness to his or her times. Launched in Detroit in 1987, the magazine is best known for showcasing work that defines its historical moment; special issues have focused on political oppression, religion, the natural world, crime, aging, civil rights, love, ethnic America, and exile. Jarret Keene serves as the current editor-in-chief.

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Neon Lit

Founded by M.F.A. alumna Kat Kruse in 2010, Neon Lit is a completely student-run reading series featuring writing of students currently in the Creative Writing programs at UNLV. Events are held on the last Friday of each month usually at the Writer’s Block, an independent bookstore and community center in downtown Las Vegas.

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Breakout Writers Series

The “Breakout Writers Series” or Emerging Writers Series features writers just emerging on the literary scene. Writers who visit and read for this series are chosen entirely by the students in the M.F.A. and Ph.D. programs.

Alumni Reading Series

The yearly Alumni Reading Series celebrates the literary successes of graduates of the program. Past alumni readers include Marianne Chan, Jean Chen Ho, Clancy McGilligan, Alissa Nutting, Juan Martínez, Sasha Steensen, and Mani Rao.