Undergraduate Special Education
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
Note:Students do not need to be fingerprinted for this course because they are never to be left unsupervised in the classroom
- Course Requirements
- Provides supervised experience in working with students with mild disabilities in a resource room setting. Students are placed in a resource room classroom to observe and teach lessons over 15 weeks. Students are required to go to the resource room twice a week for 4 hours total each week for 15 weeks. Students will complete a total of at least 60 hours of observation and teaching over the semester. Credits 4
- Prerequisites EDU 203; EDSP 431.
- Completion of all early childhood education program courses.
- ECE 461 may be taken concurrently.
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester).
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
- Apply by deadline
- Mar. 1 (fall)
- Oct. 1 (spring)
- Students must earn a B or better in EDSP 487, EDSP 488, and EDSP 466 to be advanced to student teaching.
- Course Requirements
- Introduction to practice teaching with students with disabilities. Students are required to attend their placement two hours each day for 10 hours total each week for 15 weeks. Students will complete a total of 150 hours of teaching over the semester. Credits 3.
- Corequisites: Must be concurrently enrolled in EDSP 466 and EDSP 488. Prerequisites: EDRL 437, EDRL 471, EDU 203, EDSP 441, 481, 442 (or concurrent enrollment in 442), 415, 423, 462, 453, 464.
- Syllabus
- Critical Concept Protocol
- Portfolio Review Board
- Documents/Forms
- Pre-Student Teaching Handbook
- Weekly Student Self-Evaluations
- Data-Based Reflections
- Lesson Plan Template
- Lesson Plan Rubric
- Final
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Application Requirements
- Apply by deadline: Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Apply online in the Field Experience Portal
- Submit a Help Request if you are unable to login to the Field Experience Portal.
- Out of District and International Student Teaching
- Out of District Application
- You must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 in order to qualify for Out of District Student Teaching.
- Out of District Application
- All coursework must be completed prior to student teaching.
- Students must earn a B or better in EDSP 487, EDSP 488, and EDSP 466 to be advanced to student teaching.
- Fingerprinting: Students need to be fingerprinted and badged by CCSD for EDSP 491. If you are not cleared by CCSD, you cannot begin your student teaching.
- Apply by deadline: Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Course Requirements
- Full-time supervised practice teaching with exceptional children in a resource room setting. Corequisites: EDSP 492. Prerequisites: Completion of all course work. Must have a B or better in EDSP 466, EDSP 487 and EDSP 488.
- Syllabus
- Critical Concept Protocol
- Portfolio Review Board
- Documents/Forms
- Weekly Student Self-Evaluations
- Data-Based Reflections
- Lesson Plan Template
- Lesson Plan Rubric
- Final
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
Undergraduate Early Childhood Education
- Application Requirements
- Fingerprinting: Students do not need to be fingerprinted for ECE 299 because they are never to be left unsupervised in the classroom.
- Students are required to obtain a Sheriff's Card and Health Card
- Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
- Course Requirements
- Six-hour per week supervised teaching experience with infants and toddlers. Includes program planning, implementing early education, infant/toddler guidance, and working with families at the UNLV/CSUN Preschool.
- Prerequisite: ECE 252
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
- Fingerprinting: Students do not need to be fingerprinted for ECE 483 because they are never to be left unsupervised in the classroom.
- Course Requirements
- Ten-hour per week supervised teaching experience in Kindergarten. Experience includes program planning, implementing early education, preschool guidance, and working with families.
- Completion or concurrent enrollment of all ECE program courses.
- Syllabus
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Application Requirements
- Apply by deadline: Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Apply online in the Field Experience Portal
- Submit a Help Request if you are unable to login to the Field Experience Portal.
- Out of District and International Student Teaching
- Out of District Application
- You must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 in order to qualify for Out of District Student Teaching.
- Fingerprinting: Students need to be fingerprinted and badged by CCSD for ECE 491. If you are not cleared by CCSD, you cannot begin your student teaching.
- All coursework must be completed prior to student teaching.
- Apply by deadline: Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Course Requirements
- Full-time supervised teaching experience in first or second grade with young children aged 6-to-8 years.
- Completion of all other ECE program coursework except ECE 492.
- Grade of B or better in ECE 299; B or better in ECE 483.
- Corequisite: ECE 492
- Syllabus
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
Undergraduate Early Childhood Education (Non-License)
- Application Requirements
- Praxis: Students attempt the Praxis™ Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core) before they are can be placed in ECE 299: Practicum for Infants/Toddlers
- Fingerprinting: Students do not need to be fingerprinted for ECE 299 because they are never to be left unsupervised in the classroom.
- Students are required to obtain a Sheriff's Card and Health Card
- Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
- Course Requirements
- Six-hour per week supervised teaching experience with infants and toddlers. Includes program planning, implementing early education, infant/toddler guidance, and working with families at the UNLV/CSUN Preschool.
- Prerequisite: ECE 252
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
- Sheriff's Card
- Health Card
- Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
- Course Requirements
- Twenty-hour per week supervised administrative experience in an early childhood setting. Includes program evaluation, staff evaluation, staff development, developing communication systems, assessing curriculum needs and supervising staff.
- Completion of all early childhood education program courses.
- ECE 461 may be taken concurrently.
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
- Sheriff's Card
- Health Card
- Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
- Course Requirements
- Full-time supervised teaching experience with preschoolers. Experience includes program planning, implementing early education, preschool guidance, and working with families.
- Completion of all early childhood education program courses.
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
Graduate Special Education (M.Ed.)
- Application Requirements
- Apply by deadline: Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Apply online in the Field Experience Portal
- Submit a Help Request if you are unable to log in to the Field Experience Portal.
- Fingerprinting: Students need to be fingerprinted and badged by CCSD for EDSP 491. If you are not cleared by CCSD, you cannot begin your student teaching.
- Out of District and International Student Teaching
- Out-of-District Application: You must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 in order to qualify for Out-of District student teaching.
- All coursework must be completed prior to student teaching.
- Students must earn a B or better in EDSP 487, EDSP 488, and EDSP 466 to be advanced to student teaching.
- Course Requirements
- Full-time supervised teaching experience in first or second grade with young children aged 6-to-8 years.
- Corequisites: EDSP 492. Prerequisites: Completion of all coursework. Must have a B or better in EDSP 466, EDSP 487 and EDSP 488.
- Syllabus
- Critical Concept Protocol
- Portfolio Review Board
- Documents/Forms
- Weekly Student Self-Evaluations
- Data-Based Reflections
- Lesson Plan Template
- Lesson Plan Rubric
- Final
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester)
- Course Description:
- Full-time supervised practice teaching with exceptional children with autism.
- Application Requirements
- You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester
- Download and complete the ESP 720-1002 Application and submit it to your advisor.
- Students need to be fingerprinted and badged by CCSD for ESP 720. If you are not cleared by CCSD, you cannot begin your student teaching.
- You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester
- Course Description:
- Full-time supervised practice teaching with exceptional children with intellectual disabilities.
- Application Requirements
- You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester
- Download and complete the ESP 720-1001 Application and submit it to your advisor.
- Students need to be fingerprinted and badged by CCSD for ESP 720. If you are not cleared by CCSD, you cannot begin your student teaching.
- You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester
- Application Requirements
- Meet with your advisor. You must meet with your advisor in order to gain access to the online application form. To schedule a meeting please contact the College of Education Advising & Field Placement Center at 702-895-1537 or by email at education.advising@unlv.edu.
- Sheriff's Card
- Health Card
- Apply by deadline - Mar. 1 (fall), Oct. 1 (spring)
- Note: Students do not need to be fingerprinted for this course because they are never to be left unsupervised in the classroom
- Course Requirements
- Provides supervised experience in working with students with mild disabilities in a resource room setting. Students are placed in a resource room classroom to observe and teach lessons over 15 weeks. Students are required to go to the resource room twice a week for 4 hours total each week for 15 weeks. Students will complete a total of at least 60 hours of observation and teaching over the semester. Credits 4 Prerequisites EDU 203; EDSP 431.
- Completion of all early childhood education program courses.
- ECE 461 may be taken concurrently.
- Syllabus
- Orientation
- No orientation. Report to the first day of scheduled class.
- Documents/Forms
- Deadlines
- Apply to take this course by Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester).
Graduate Early Childhood Education (M.Ed.)
You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester.
- Download and complete the ECE 491 Application. [link to ofe_ece-491.pdf]
- Complete the online Liability Form*
- Print and turn in the ECE 491 Application to your advisor.
*Download information related to CEC's Student Educator Professional Liability Plan. [link to ofe_cec-liability.pdf]
You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester.
- Download and complete the ECE 781 Application. [link to ofe_ece-781.pdf]
- Complete the online Liability Form*
- Print and turn in the ECE 781 Application to your advisor.
*Download information related to CEC's Student Educator Professional Liability Plan. [link to ofe_cec-liability.pdf]
You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester.
- Download and complete the ESP 780 Application. [link to ofe_esp-780.pdf]
- Complete the online Liability Form*
- Print and turn in the ESP 780 Application to your advisor.
*Download information related to CEC's Student Educator Professional Liability Plan. [link to ofe_cec-liability.pdf]
You must complete the following to be eligible to enroll in this course. The deadline to apply to take this course is Mar. 1 (fall semester) or Oct. 1 (spring semester). If you do not complete all of the following steps, you will be administratively dropped from this course at the beginning of the semester.
- Download and complete the ESP 781 Application. [link to ofe_esp-781.pdf]
- Complete the online Liability Form*
- Print and turn in the ESP 781 Application to your advisor.
*Download information related to CEC's Student Educator Professional Liability Plan. [link to ofe_cec-liability.pdf]