• This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…

  • This virtual, juried exhibition features artwork submitted to an Art Department and Donna Beam Gallery call for entries in response to our current "6 feet apart" reality. The department divided the call into four challenges…