UNLV COM Lab logo

UNLV's COM Lab supports students through one-on-one consultations focused on developing oral presentation skills. Whether you are preparing for an academic research presentation or an upcoming speech in a class, we offer a supportive, inclusive environment to hone your public speaking skills and knowledge, reduce your presentation apprehension, and increase your communication confidence. Our trained coaches can assist you at any stage of the process, from topic selection and research, to outline construction and delivery.

Appointment Details

Face-to-Face Appointments

  • Face-to-face appointments are held on the UNLV campus, specifically on the fourth floor of Greenspun Hall in Rooms 4131 or 4132
  • Bring materials related to your presentation (e.g., assignment description, visual aid, script)
  • Arrive at least 5 minutes early to wait on the bench across from the COM Lab rooms

Virtual Appointments

  • Virtual appointments are conducted online via Google Meet
  • All appointments last 30 minutes
  • Have all materials related to your presentation ready (e.g., assignment description, visual aid, script)
  • Ensure your camera and microphone are set up prior to the appointment


Contact us at comlab@unlv.edu if you have any questions.