Child standing by the garden.

UNLV Campus Community Garden

The UNLV Campus Community Garden creates a sense of community, learning, and sustainability among students, faculty, and staff through the common goal of producing 100 percent organic, natural harvests.

Get Involved

raised beds
and pesticide free
workshops, and volunteer opportunities

Our Campus Community Garden is a place for experiential learning and campus engagement. We provide eligible participants a place to grow their own food and learn about sustainability, nutrition, health, and wellness.



The minimum group size for a garden plot assignment is four people. The following groups are eligible to apply for a UNLV Community Garden plot:

Registered Student Organizations (RSO)

Any student group that has met the guidelines set forth for registration by the Student Involvement and Activities office.

UNLV Community Garden RSO

A maximum of four (4) plots are reserved annually for use by members of the UNLV Community Garden RSO. This enables individuals who are otherwise unable to organize the minimum of four people to secure a unique plot to still participate in the Community Garden. 

Departments and Academic Units

Must be affiliated with UNLV; priority is given to groups utilizing garden plots for academic research.

Teaching and Learning Groups

UNLV classes using the gardens for academic experiential learning and/or community engagement.

You are welcome to have a mix of staff and students for a raised bed. Plots will be assigned for a calendar year. Renewing groups meeting requirements may be able to maintain a consistent plot assignment year to year.


Faculty, staff, and students who would like to participate individually may join the Rebel Roots Garden Club. This is a RSO that is run separately from the UNLV Campus Community Garden. To join, visit the Involvement Center page for the Rebel Roots Garden Club and log in with your ACE account.

How to Apply

Applications are accepted at the beginning of every fall semester or until beds are filled. Garden members gain access to communal composters, our free seed library, and various garden tools and supplies.

Before applying, please read the UNLV Campus Community Garden Guidelines.

UNLV Campus Community Garden Guidelines

Official operating hours for the Garden are 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Garden users should check-in and out with Rebel Recycling staff. Evening and weekend access to the garden is available via card key access upon request.

Access to the Garden at any time is only permitted for garden-related activities. No camping or overnight stays are permitted.


The Community Garden is located right next to the Rebel Recycling Center. The entrance is by the Stan Fulton Building Parking Lot.


Tara Pike and Andie Davis


News Articles

Hand planting seeds in planter at community garden.

Andie Davis brings the community together through the love of gardening.

Executive Chef Mark Sandoval works with students in UNLV's community garden

UNLV’s Campus Community Garden gets Hotel College students digging down to the root of sustainability, the environment, and what makes for the best veggies on your dinner plate.

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As we welcome new gardeners and welcome back our returning gardeners, we will host events to re-launch our community — times, dates and locations TBA. Check back for more info, or visit the UNLV Calendar once details are finalized.