Robert E. Lang speaking with a microphone

Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellows

Each academic year, a UNLV Ph.D. student completing a dissertation in metropolitan public policy broadly defined is selected as
a Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellow. At the end of their fellowship year, fellows present their doctoral research in a public forum.

About the Fellowship

The Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellowship was established in 2022 to honor Lang’s contributions to the advancement of urban and suburban public policy. The fellowship, awarded to applicants with dissertation topics focused on the Las Vegas metropolitan region and public policy in the Mountain West, provides tuition and financial support to students to help fund their research projects and other aspects of schooling.

Donations to the Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellowship support the development of the next generation of scholars who, like Lang, will use their skills to address current and future urban public policy challenges. Below are Lang fellows whose dissertation research were funded through the generosity of those supporting the Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellowship.

Fellowship Recipients

2023-24 Lang Fellow: Mallory Constantine

Portrait of Mallory Constantine

Mallory Constantine completed her Ph.D. in clinical psychology through the UNLV Department of Psychology in 2024. Her dissertation focused on the impact of multiple home displacements on school absenteeism. Mallory’s work highlights the educational impacts of home placement disruption on one of Las Vegas’s most vulnerable populations. Her research aides in informing state policy regarding maltreated youth in Nevada and their mental health and educational needs. During her time as a graduate student at UNLV, Mallory interned as a clinician with UNLV’s Counseling and Psychological Services.

Robert E. Lang Memorial Fellowship Lecture
April 20, 2024

“How and Why Foster Care Impacts Maltreated Youths’ School Performance”

2024-25 Lang Fellow: Emylia Terry

Portrait of Emylia Terry

Emylia Terry is a graduate student in the UNLV School of Public Health completing a Ph.D. in public health. Her research focuses on the role of policy in expanding and/or mitigating health disparities with a focus on the LGBTQIA+ community. Her research aims to provide health equity-centered policy recommendations to the government of Nevada in the case of future public health emergencies. Emylia is currently a research assistant for the Southern Nevada Health District’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Disparities Modelling Project.