Accomplishments: Department of English

Sujata Chattopadhyay's (English) had a proposal accepted for presentation at the Annual Modern Language Association (MLA) Convention on Jan. 4-7, 2024, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at The Global South and Ireland Roundtable. Title of presentation: "A Curious Case of the Country-Born Anglo-Indian: Disease and Healing in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim"…
Gary Totten (English) presented a paper, "Edith Wharton and the Beauties of Tourism," at the American Literature Association Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, May 24-27. The paper examines Edith Wharton's depiction in her travel writing of how tourist experiences and texts (such as travel guidebooks) enhance her experience of beauty in natural…
A story by Roberto Lovato (English) in Alta Journal on the appropriation of psychedelics, The Gentrification of Consciousness, was nominated for a Best Commentary award by the Los Angeles Press Club.
Faculty member Roberto Lovato (English) was among the San Francisco authors selected to be a Library Laureate. He and other authors were celebrated at a gala sponsored by the San Francisco Public Library.
Sujata Chattopadhyay (English) recently saw her essay, “Creating Saints: Hagiographical Elements in Tennyson’s In Memoriam A. H. H.,” appear in The Tennyson Research Bulletin from Oxford University Press.  
On April 21, professor Roberto Lovato (English) delivered the keynote speech at Ithaca College's Distinguished Speaker in the Humanities Series. Past speakers include Salman Rushdie, Tony Kushner, Martha Nussbaum and Robert Pinsky.
Jessica E. Teague (English) published an article, "A Story in Sound: The Unpublished Writings of Sidney Bechet," in the journal MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States.  This article analyzes two previously unknown fictional pieces written by the jazz musician, Sidney Bechet, whose 1960 autobiography Treat It Gentle is…
John M. Bowers (English) published his epic gay novel, To the Boathouse, on Amazon KDP. Its multiple plotlines span a century from the eve of the First World War, through the sexual revolution and AIDS epidemic in New York, to the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center — and beyond.
Roberta Sabbath (English) edited Vegas Strong: Bearing Witness 1 October 2017 (University of Nevada Press).
Katherine Walker (English) published an article titled, "Horatio in Pieces, Or, How to Deal with Ghosts," in the journal Shakespeare. The article looks at Horatio's strategies for navigation the occult and supernatural in Shakespeare's Hamlet. 
Katherine Walker (English) published the article, "The Witch as Epistemic Spectacle," in Cahiers de Recherches Medievales et Humanistes — Journal of Medieval and Humanistic Studies. The article argues that Ben Jonson's witches are both possess embodied, occult knowledge and also teach audiences how to read the magical, the uncanny,…
Timothy Erwin (English) presented an illustrated paper, “The Discourse of the Eye: Romeo and Juliet and Hogarth’s Marriage A-la-Mode,” at the 53rd annual meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies in St. Louis, MO. He also chaired the panel “New Light on Samuel Johnson," hosting Prof. Brandon Schneeberger, a…