Topic: society and culture

hydrocodone pills
Business and Community | September 26, 2018

Training Program led by UNLV addresses the shortage of professionals who are trained to recognize and treat individuals in need of care.

boy holding hand up in stop sign
Research | September 21, 2018

When toxic masculinity is part of a culture, male survivors of childhood abuse may turn to crime as a way to reclaim their masculinity.

a game controller on an orange background
Research | August 28, 2018

An education researcher turns to the digital realm of video games for a way to identify children’s behavioral problems in the real world.

portrait of a man in a suit
Research | August 14, 2018

Law professor David Orentlicher on a solution to the controversy over affirmative action

sunlight through water
Research | August 7, 2018

A new book explores Gandhian thought and Quakerism to show us how both contribute to humanity’s quest for world peace.

two women and a man in breezeway
Business and Community | July 17, 2018

Community graduate research assistant program connects students to the nonprofit community.

workers at protest rally
Business and Community | June 28, 2018

Thanks to strong political engagement programs, Nevada's labor organizations succeed despite an adverse legal environment, according to law professor Ruben J. Garcia.

woman standing with street behind her
People | June 6, 2018

Ivet Aldaba-Valera was the first in her family to graduate from college and now she’s helping other first-generation students get to the finish line, too.

hallway sign for counseling
People | May 25, 2018

Michelle Paul, director of The PRACTICE, offers tips on when to seek mental health support and why it matters, especially during Mental Health Awareness Month.

man with superhero drawing on wall behind him
People | May 23, 2018

Benjamin Morse, former digital content director for Marvel Entertainment and future TEDx speaker, is transforming students into content creators.