We Need To Talk: Conversations About Racism For A More Resilient Las Vegas

The We Need To Talk series was created to foster open dialogue and begin formulating solutions to address systemic racism and white supremacy. These much-needed discussions were the brainchild of Su Kim Chung, Ph.D., Head of Public Services in UNLV’s Special Collection & Archives, and are sponsored by the University Libraries and the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs. These panel discussions will provide historical context, dating back to 1619, while addressing issues that are challenging us in the present day. Each conversation brings together UNLV researchers and community experts. We will formulate solutions for the long-term work we must do to heal our country and move us forward. This will take a commitment from all of us. These conversations will be difficult, but we must do this work. More Information: https://www.library.unlv.edu/weneedtotalk