We recognize that everyone’s sexual health needs differ, and our wellness educators are here to support and guide students to make informed and medically accurate choices regarding protecting themselves and their partners.
UNLV Wellness Zone Condom Bar
Our condom bar is free to all UNLV students and is located in the front lobby of the UNLV Wellness Zone in the SRWC.
We offer a variety of safe sex supplies including:
- External/Male condoms
- Latex free, magnum, snug-fit, colored, and more
- Internal/Female condoms
- Personal Lubricant
- Flavored and unflavored
- Flavored latex dental dams
- Instruction pamphlets for effective safe sex supplies usage
We also have UNLV Wellness Zone Condom Hot Spots:
- Women’s Center (SSC-A)
- Center For Social Justice (Houssel’s House)
Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) (sometimes called Sexually Transmitted Diseases or STDs) are common and preventable.
If you choose to have sex it’s important to know how to protect yourself and your partner(s). Because STIs don’t always cause symptoms, it’s also possible to have an STI and not know it. That’s why it’s important to get tested if you are sexually active.
Our professional wellness educators are also available to answer your sexual health questions and help refer you to appropriate medical and testing services if necessary.