Career Possibilities and Resources
Discover a Wide Range of Careers
Few occupations at the B.A. level will include “sociologist” in their title; however, employers know that sociology majors are well-prepared for a wide variety of occupations. Students who graduate with a sociology degree enter the job market with key advantages—a critical understanding of key social factors and structures, and a firm grasp on research design and methods, among others.
Career Possibilities
Prepare for the Job Market
Develop Your Skills As a Student
Many employers look for the skills listed below when they screen entry-level candidates. It is our goal to help our sociology students develop these important, highly-transferable skills during their degree program. Sociology students should use this list to frame for prospective employers the kinds of skills and aptitudes they will bring to a job.
Apply Your Skills to All Fields
In addition to critical skills as listed above, a bachelor’s degree in sociology provides more specialized transferable skills that can be highlighted in your resume. Below is a list of sociology course categories and how they can apply to all types of jobs.
Gain Internship Experience
The best way to learn sociology is to engage in doing sociology. Internship experience will help students relate sociological concepts and theories to everyday practice. Such experiences can come from a variety of sources.
Job Seeking Resources
UNLV Career Services & Workforce Development
UNLV Career Services & Workforce Development offer an excellent array of information, resume templates, and other resources for preparing for the job market. Please utilize their highly-skilled staff and resources as you develop your resume materials and plan for your job search.
Job Search Engines
- AmeriCorps Careers
- CollegeGrad: Entry Level Job Search
- Feminist Majority Foundation Job Board
- Idealist: Non-profit Jobs, Volunteer Opportunities, and Internships
- National Council of Nonprofits
- GoGovernment: Federal Government Jobs and Internships
- USAJobs: Federal Government Jobs
- Social Services: Social Service, Social Work, Mental Health, and Human Service Jobs
- Council on Foundations
- Simply Hired