UNLV HOPE Scholars
The UNLV HOPE Scholars Program is a partnership between the Clark County School District (CCSD) Title I HOPE Office, Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth (NPHY), and UNLV. The program is specifically designed to assist UNLV students experiencing housing insecurity or houselessness secure housing as well as academic and financial support in order to successfully complete their degree. Founded in 2016, the UNLV HOPE Scholars program now boasts several graduates and is actively supporting undergraduate students at UNLV.
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Contact Information
Anabel Chavva
Program Coordinator for Scholar Development
Student Union, Room 309
Help Support HOPE Scholars
Please help us assist the next generation of homeless youth attend UNLV and achieve the dream of a college education. Click on the following link and choose 'Scholarships,' then 'View all giving opportunities or select multiple,' and select HOPE Scholars in order to give directly to this population.