Panhellenic Council
Alpha Delta Pi
Epsilon Rho Chapter
Motto: We Live for Each Other
Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House
Principles: Scholarship, Leadership, Sisterhood, Service
Founded Nationally: May 15, 1851
Founded at UNLV: May 4, 1968
Symbols: Diamond and Lion
Colors: Azure and White
Flower: Woodland Violet

Alpha Gamma Delta
Delta Omicron Chapter
Motto: Live with Purpose
Philanthropy: The Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation
Principles: Academic Excellence, Philanthropic Giving, Ongoing Leadership and Personal Development
Founded Nationally: May 30, 1904
Founded at UNLV: 1989
Symbol: Squirrel
Colors: Red, Buff, and Green
Flower: Red and Buff Roses with Green Asparagus Plumosa Ferns

Alpha Xi Delta
Iota Epsilon Chapter
Motto: Insipring Women to Realize their Potential
Philanthropy: Kindness Campaign
Principles: Alpha Xi Delta's Mission, Vision, and Symphony
Founded Nationally: April 17, 1893
Founded at UNLV: May 8, 1999
Symbol: Quill
Colors: Dark Blue, Light Blue, and Gold
Flower: Pink Rose

Gamma Phi Beta
Eta Rho Chapter
Motto: Founded upon a rock
Philanthropy: Building Strong Girls
Principles: Love, Labor, Learning, and Loyalty
Founded Nationally: November 11, 1874
Founded at UNLV: April 23, 2016
Symbol: Crescent Moon
Colors: Brown and Mode
Flower: Pink Carnation

Sigma Kappa
Theta Eta Chapter
Motto: One Heart, One Way
Philanthropy: Sigma Kappa Foundation
Principles: Personal Growth, Friendship, Service, and Loyalty
Founded Nationally: November 9, 1874
Founded at UNLV: May 3, 1987
Symbols: Dove and Heart
Colors: Maroon and Lavender
Flower: Wild Purple Violet

Zeta Tau Alpha
Iota Eta Chapter
Motto: Seek the Noblest
Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Awareness and Education
Principles: Zeta Tau Alpha Beliefs
Founded Nationally: October 15, 1898
Founded at UNLV: April 17, 2010
Symbols: Crown and Strawberry
Colors: Turquoise and Grey
Flower: White Violet