Alpha Phi Gamma
Asian - American Interest Sorority
Iota Chapter
Philanthropy: The Fight Against Violence Towards Women
Principles: Sisterhood, Service, Academic Excellence, Personal
Development, and Asian Awareness
Founded Nationally: February 1, 1994
Founded at UNLV: June 16, 2012
Symbol: Baby Panda Bear
Colors: Burgundy and Creme
Flower: Tulip

Alpha Psi Rho
Asian Pacific-Islander Interest Fraternity
Delta Chapter
Motto: Be Bold and Strong
Philanthropy: At Risk Youth
Principles: Brotherhood, Academics, Prosperity, and Strength
Founded Nationally: March 1, 2000
Founded at UNLV: April 2, 2011
Symbol: Doberman
Colors: Navy Blue and Gold

Epsilon Alpha Sigma
Empowered Arab Sisterhood
Gamma Chapter
Motto: Diversity, Class, and Intelligence
Philanthropy: Remembering the Refugees
Principles: To promote respect and loyalty to one’s heritage and to remind its members to never forget the culture of our ancestors
Founded Nationally: May 7, 2013
Founded at UNLV: September 18, 2016
Symbol: Dove
Colors: Lavender and white

Gamma Zeta Alpha
Raza Unida Colony
Motto: Cultivating Leaders, Strengthen Communities
Philanthropy: California Academic Decathlon, Day of Service, Youth Conference, and The American Cancer Society
Principles: Academic Excellence, Community Service, and The maintenance of the Latino Culture through Brotherhood
Founded Nationally: December 3, 1987
Symbol: The Fraternity Shield
Colors: Black, White, and Silver

Kappa Delta Chi
Latina Interest Sorority
Alpha Zeta Chapter
Motto: Leading with Integrity, United through Service
Philanthropy: American Cancer Society
Principles: Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership
Founded Nationally: April 6, 1987
Founded at UNLV: March 7, 2004
Symbol: Penguin
Colors: Pink and Maroon
Flower: Pink Rose

Omega Delta Phi
Multicultural Fraternity
Alpha Phi Chapter
Motto: One Culture, Any Race
Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA)
Principles: Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership
Founded Nationally: November 25, 1987
Founded at UNLV: July 16, 2011
Symbol: Silver Knight
Colors: Scarlet and Silver supported by Black
Flower: Silver Rose

Sigma Delta Alpha
Multicultural Fraternity
Gamma Chapter
Motto: Excellence and Loyalty Amongst Brothers
Philanthropy: Men's Health
Principles: Academics, Representation and Promotion of Underrepresented Cultures, Education
Founded Nationally: May 5, 1992
Founded at UNLV: September 16, 2001
Symbol: The Official Crest
Colors: Forest Green, Maroon, and White

Sigma Omega Nu
Latina Interest Sorority
Lambda Chapter
Motto: For all the struggles we may face, together we will live, learn, and celebrate that which unites us as hermanas.
Philanthropy: TULIPS
Principles: Academics, Cultura, and Sisterhood
Founded Nationally: November 6, 1996
Founded at UNLV: July 23, 2011
Symbol: The Sun
Colors: Black, Burgundy, and Gold
Flower: White and Yellow Roses

Sigma Theta Psi
Multicultural Sorority
Eta Chapter
Motto: Only the Strong Survive
Philanthropy: Breast Cancer Awareness
Principles: Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, Open-Mindedness, Leadership, and Academic Excellence
Founded Nationally: November 13, 1991
Founded at UNLV: June 7, 2003
Symbol: Black Panther
Colors: Purple, Gold, and Black
Flower: Orchid