Rebecca Martin
Department of Physics & Astronomy
She is interested in solving puzzles in theoretical astrophysics from how stars and planetary systems form to how supermassive black holes grow in the centers of galaxies.
- Growing Up
I was born and raised in the English countryside in the county of Leicestershire.
- Rebel Since
February 2015.
- Why UNLV?
I found the Department of Physics and Astronomy at UNLV to be highly active in research and also very welcoming.
- Your Degrees
I completed all of my degrees at the University of Cambridge in England. I began with a B.A. in mathematics, followed by an MMath (Part III Mathematics) and a Ph.D. in theoretical astrophysics. I also was a postdoctoral scholar at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore and at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
- What drew you to your profession?
I have always loved mathematics and the sciences and enjoy problem solving. In astronomy, there are many unanswered questions and much yet to be discovered.
- Your Research
I am interested in solving many puzzles in theoretical astrophysics from how stars and planetary systems form to how supermassive black holes grow in the centers of galaxies. I use both analytic and numerical methods in fluid dynamics to study the theory of these processes. By investigating these mechanisms, we can move towards an understanding of where we came from and evidence or life elsewhere in the universe.
- Advice for Students
Work hard and don't be afraid to ask questions.
- Outside of Work
In my spare time, I enjoy long distance trail running, rock climbing, and alpinism.