Academic Scheduling
Assisting Academic Departments with the Fall and Spring Class Schedules and Classroom Assignments.
Building a class with PeopleSoft (MyUNLV)
The following are guides to help you build classes within the MyUNLV system.
Please contact scheduling@unlv.edu for assistance in building classes, resource guides available.
Effective class and classroom scheduling is critical to the academic mission of the University. These guidelines have been developed to ensure that both classes and classrooms are scheduled efficiently to support the needs of students, faculty, and the institution as a whole.
Scheduled Training
Scheduling trainings are offered in personalized sections.
Please contact scheduling@unlv.edu for training tools.
One-on-one training is available as well. We can schedule a virtual meeting with you — please send a request for training to scheduling@unlv.edu.
Terms & Definitions
Discover the terms and definitions involved with the Scheduling Unit within the Office of the Registrar.
Standard Class Time
Discover standard class times.
Department Scheduling Contact
College/Department Scheduling Admins are first point of contact during open build period. Once the semester schedule is publicized, requests must be submitted with department chair or above approval. Please let the Academic Scheduling Team know of any changes of personnel within your Department/College.
General Purpose Classrooms
All General Purpose (GP) Classrooms are Technology Enhanced Classrooms (TEC).
Many General Purpose Classrooms are enhanced with Lecture Capture technology.
RebelFlex Technology offers face-to-face instruction with synchronous remote learning within General Purpose Classrooms.