Deactivate Your Card
You can log into the RebelCard Online Card Office to deactivate your card. Stop in the RebelCard Services Center during normal business hours to replace your card. If your card is found before replacing it, it can be reactivated online.
Lost & Found
There are several Lost & Founds areas on campus. We recommend checking these areas before deactivating your card or purchasing a new one. Lost & Founds are located in the following locations:
- RebelCard Services Center
- Student Recreation & Wellness Center (SRWC)
- Lied Library
Public Safety Building
Replace Your Card
If you are unable to find your lost RebelCard at the various Lost & Founds across campus, a new RebelCard can only be issued in the RebelCard Service Center for a fee of $20.
More detailed information regarding lost or stolen cards can be found in our Disclosure Statements.
Lost Card Drop Boxes
Lost card drop boxes are located around campus. If you find a lost RebelCard, place it in one of these boxes or deliver it directly to our office. The drop boxes can be found in:
- The Student Union
- The Student Recreation and Wellness Center
- The Hazel M. Wilson Dining Commons
- Lied Library
- Tonopah Residence Complex