For named, annual scholarship funds, and for endowment funds, the UNLV Foundation consults with the individual or organization making the scholarship gift to establish criteria for the scholarship. The criteria should be flexible and general to guarantee the widest possible pool of applicants. Acceptable award criteria may include: minimum GPA; specific major, program, department, school or college; undergraduate or graduate status; class standing; and residency. Donors with strong preferences regarding major field of study may consider limiting the award to upper-level students to reduce the likelihood of recipients switching majors and to ensure commitment to that field.
Donors may also wish to require that a student’s financial need be established. UNLV calculates financial need based on federal government guidelines. If financial need is a criteria used to award a scholarship, students must complete a FAFSA form (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) that requests information contained in the family’s IRS tax returns, and earnings and bank statements. A UNLV Foundation development officer will work with you to help you determine if financial need should be included in your list of award criteria and to approve other criteria you may wish to include.
Statement on Equal Opportunity (Board of Regents Handbook --Title 4; chapter 8 section 1)
The Nevada System of Higher Education is guided by the principle that there shall be no difference in the treatment of persons because of race, religion, color, age, sex, disability, or national origin, and that equal opportunity and access to facilities shall be available to all. This principle is applicable to every member of the Nevada System of Higher Education community, both students and employed personnel at every level, and to all units, facilities, and services of the Nevada System of Higher Education.
This principle governs the admissions and subsequent treatment of students in all colleges, as well as student participation in extracurricular activities. It is a guiding policy in the employment of students, either by the Nevada System of Higher Education or by outsiders through the System. All student services, including financial aid, placement, tutoring, and counseling, are governed by the concept of equal opportunity.