A group of people walking on campus.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts are a great way to stretch your gift to UNLV, further your support, and create a bigger impact. Many companies offer employees — and sometimes spouses and retirees — a matching gift benefit that doubles or triples their donations to UNLV.

If you prefer, you can email matching gift paper forms to annualgiving@unlv.edu. For processing or mail matching gift forms to:

UNLV Foundation
4505 S. Maryland Parkway Box 451006
Las Vegas, NV

If you have any questions on matching gifts, please call the UNLV Foundation at 702-895-3641 or email annualgiving@unlv.edu.

Monthly or Recurring Gifts

Another convenient way to support UNLV is to set up a recurring gift. Your recurring gift is an ongoing, specific gift amount determined by you that is charged monthly, quarterly, or annually to your credit card. Recurring gifts are a critical part of the fundraising process strategy for UNLV.

For more information and instructions, please visit our Recurring Giving page.