Xue Xing headshot

Xue (Cher) Xing, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Teaching and Learning
CEB 354
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Xue (Cher) Xing obtained her Ph.D. in workforce education from the University of Georgia. Her research interests focus on career and technical education (CTE) on student learning and workforce preparation, college and career preparations for adolescents and young adults, and career development of working adults. She has a background in business administration education and expertise in applied quantitative analysis in educational research. Xing is a prolific scholar with articles appearing in Career and Technical Education Research, Journal of Career and Technical Education, Vocations and Learning, Journal of Career Development, and International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance. She has won many recognitions from the field including the Outstanding Beginning Scholar Award by the Association for Career and Technical Education Research (ACTER) in 2019 and the Distinguished Research Award by the UNLV College of Education in 2020.

Research Expertise

Career behaviors and preparation and international career and technical training