Minkyo Lee
Assistant Professor
Minkyo Lee is an assistant professor in the Intercollegiate and Professional Sports Management Program. He holds a Ph.D. from Indiana University, as well as a master's and a bachelor of science degrees from Yonsei University in South Korea. Before joining the faculty at UNLV, he was employed at East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, where he attained a tenured promotion to the rank of associate professor.
His research interests center on how mediated sports interact with fans' emotions and cognitive systems, which in turn influence their cognitive and persuasive information processing. Many of his studies involve psychophysiological examinations (e.g., fEMG, EDA, ECG) or quasi-experimental analyses of sport consumers. He has published articles in reputable journal outlets, including Sport Management Review, European Sport Management Quarterly, Communication & Sport, International Journal of Sport Communication, and Sport Marketing Quarterly. Furthermore, he has received several research awards, including the 2023 AMA Emerging Scholar in Sport Marketing Award, the 2019 ESMQ New Researcher Award, and recognition as a 2017 NASSM Student Research Competition Finalist and the 2016 NASSM Doctoral Research Grant Award recipient. Additionally, he serves on the editorial board for the International Journal of Sport Communication.
Research Expertise:
Sport consumer behavior
Sport marketing and communication
eSport management
Future media technology and innovation
Media psychophysiology