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Katie B Funk

Graduate Assistant



¡Katie B Funk! is an artist, writer, and curator currently based in Las Vegas, Nevada. She received her BFA from Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana in 2012, MFA from Columbus College of Art & Design in Columbus, Ohio in 2018, and is slated to receive a second MFA from the University of Nevada Las Vegas in 2025.  

Born on a Friday night under waning crescent moon in South Bend, Indiana, she would soon get the chance to haphazardly construct a double-bottled tornado maker in preschool - a project which remains a pivotal core memory. Once a pile of Barbasol shaving cream was plopped in front of her to play with in the early days of kindergarten, fates were sealed, and ¡Katie B Funk! was baptized an artist for life. 

Since those formative years, she has scooped ice cream, patched and painted walls, iced cinnamon rolls, ground coffee, art handled, slung around Mid-western-ly huge platters of gummy prime rib, poured beers, arranged flowers, fried a smorgasbord of finger foods, opened wine, taught first years in college, taught first graders in an after school program, arranged cookies, babysat kids, dogsat dogs, shaken cocktails, pulled weeds, checked in cardiology patients, baked scones, and assisted in a number of artist studios.    

Her work oscillates between questions of the serious and the seriously funny - what constitutes the perfect cheeseburger? Why does heartbreak taste like iron and salt? Which episode entered SpongeBob SquarePants into the zeitgeist? What does cardboard think about after it has been discarded? Is she currently manic, or does she just wanna have fun? 

Building a mercurial space in both the making and the made, her work endlessly chases the spaces that allow for static work to come alive and live work to stand still. Peering through multi-sourced lens in a cross pollinated practice, ¡Katie B Funk! hunts the possibilities of a tender construction through deconstruction, always making certain to leave a light on down the hall.