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Jennifer Pharr, Ph.D.

Professor, Acting Chair of Social and Behavioral Health

Environmental and Global Health
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Jennifer Pharr, Ph.D., is a Graduate Coordinator in the School of Public Health's Environmental and Occupational Health Department and the acting chair of the Social and Behavioral Health Department. Her research interests include disparities in healthcare access/health service utilization of vulnerable populations, particularly sexual and gender minorities; disease disparities including HIV, mental health, and chronic diseases; barriers that impede and facilitators that enhance healthy behaviors such as HIV testing, preventive care, and disease prevention; the use of social marketing to promote health; the intersection of sport, physical activity, and health; and using sport to advance health, especially among women.

Research Specialties

  • Disparities in healthcare access /health service utilization of vulnerable populations.
  • Disease disparities. 
  • Barriers that impede healthy behaviors such as preventive care and disease prevention.
  • The intersection of sport, physical activity, and health.
  • The use of social marketing to promote health.

Mentoring Topics

Technical and scientific writing, faculty writing productivity, faculty writing groups, scholarship of teaching and learning coach, mixed methods research