Gregory Moody

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Gregory Moody


Criminal Justice


Dr. Gregory D. Moody is an Associate Professor of Information Systems and Graduate Director at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). He serves as Director of the M.S. Management Information Systems, the M.S. Data Analytics and Applied Economics, and the Data Analytics Certificate programs. He also holds a Lee Professorship within the Lee Business School.

Dr. Moody specializes in behavioral security research and completed two doctorates with this emphasis from the University of Pittsburgh and from the University of Oulu, Finland from the Information Systems Security Research Center. He uses behavioral based theories from psychology, sociology, organization behavior, management and strategy to explain how organizations can understand cybersecurity-related behaviors in the workplace. His work has appeared in various journal outlets, including the most prestigious journals in his field: Information Systems Research and Management Information Systems QuarterlyCriminology and Justice Quarterly. Over the past three years, the Association for Information Systems has recognized his research productivity in the top ten within the field, based on publication on the fields top six journals. He also received the first inaugural award for newly minted doctorates of the Rising Researcher Award due to his research productivity. For the last year, he was recognized as being the second most productive research in the field. Most of this work has been focused on identifying managerial methods to encourage compliance with security policies to increase security postures of organizations.

Dr. Moody currently serves as the President of the largest research group in his field, Human-Computer Interactions ( He is also an editor for several journals, and serves in several service level roles with the major conferences held for the information systems field.