François-Nicolas Vozel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, French
World Languages and Cultures
François-Nicolas Vozel, Assistant Professor of French, was awarded his Ph.D. in French, with distinction, from the University of Minnesota in October 2016, with a dissertation titled “Facing the Music: The (Im)possibility of Sublimation in the Works of Samuel Beckett and Marguerite Duras.” His research and teaching interests include 17th to 21st century French literature, theatre, and cinema, continental philosophy, Freudo-Lacanian psychoanalysis, and musicology. He is currently working on a book project on Hélène Cixous and Martin Heidegger. Prior to joining the Department of World Languages and Cultures, Vozel held an appointment as a visiting assistant professor at the College of William and Mary.
List of Publications
Peer-Reviewed Articles
- “Under the Cobblestones, Prehistory! Maurice Blanchot, Marguerite Duras, and the Afterlife of May ’68.” The Romanic Review (Columbia University / Duke U.P.) 114.3 (2023).
- “No Trace Anywhere of Life, Perhaps: Autology and Hauntology in Imagination Dead Imagine.” Journal of Beckett Studies (Edinburgh U.P.) 31.2 (2022), pp. 151–168.
- “Reading for the Revelation: Hélène Cixous, Marcel Proust, Sigmund Freud and Tele-Lethe-Pathy.” M.L.N. (Johns Hopkins U.P.) 136-4 (2021), pp. 907-938.
- “Beethoven and the Test of Faith: Hélène Cixous’s Ode to Joy.” Angelaki: Journal of the Theoretical Humanities (Taylor & Francis) 25-6 (2020), pp. 72-88.
- “Narrative at Its Boiling Point: Marguerite Duras, Georges Bataille, and the Quest for the Sacred.” The Comparatist (U. of North Carolina P.) 44 (2020), pp. 296-315.
- “L’Eté 80 or the Book without Qualities: Duras, Musil, Lyotard, and the Discovery of L’Écriture Courante.” The Romanic Review (Columbia University / Duke U.P.) 108-4 (2017), pp. 253-276.
- “‘Sound as a Bell’: Samuel Beckett’s Musical Destruction of Aristotelian Tragic Drama.” The Journal of Modern Literature (Indiana U.P.) 40-4 (2017), pp. 20-37.
Book Chapter
- “Un Orphée en colère: Récit d’un deuil impossible [Orpheus in Anger: Narrative of an Impossible Mourning].” Salim Bachi. Ed. Agnès Schaffauser. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2019, pp.155-167.