Allyson Hindle
Associate Professor
Environmental physiology, diving mammals, hypoxia, hibernation, metabolic depression, physiological telemetry, comparative genomics
Dr. Hindle's research expertise focuses on two systems that challenge conventional definitions of mammalian homeostasis. Breath-hold divers such as seals are exceptionally tolerant to hypoxia, and execute coordinated cardiovascular adjustments during diving in order to conserve on-board oxygen for critical tissues. Small-bodied hibernators cycle between bouts of cold torpor lasting several weeks and rapid rewarming arousal periods of less than a day. They must therefore orchestrate rapidly reversible metabolic depression, and undergo dramatic changes in body temperature, oxygen consumption and tissue perfusion without harm. They work to elucidate molecular mechanisms that underlie physiological specializations by combining whole-animal telemetry measurements in the field with cell culture systems in the lab. They also use comparative genomics approaches to identify themes and gene targets across lineages.
Additional Information
SEB Program Group: Integrative Physiology