Seeking Current or Former Dementia Caregivers to Participate in Research Study

We are examining the benefit of a type of a meditation practice. Our goal is to understand your experiences during and after the practice. We will collect some information at the beginning of the study and a few times during and after the study. We will also train and provide you with a link on how to do this meditation practice after the study so you can continue the practice. 

Please consider participating in this study if you are dementia caregivers and have not practice any meditation in the last two months: You can click on screening questionnaires if you are interested (this will only take 5 minutes of your time). Once you pass the screening questions, you will be taken to the study questionnaires (this will take 30 minutes or less of your time), once we have enough study participants the link will be closed. We will then randomize you into two training groups. Training session may be longer than 30 minutes. The meditation session is 21-day session and will need 25 minutes for meditation and 10 minutes for daily online journal. We will email you the time to join. These 21 days meditation sessions will be on the Zoom. First day we will have orientation session too which will be 10 minutes. Our trained research staff will be there to guide and answer any questions. There will be two more surveys (at 30 and 60 days) and will email you the study link. 

Your participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw at any time.  You are encouraged to ask questions about this study at the beginning or any time during the research study. 

This research project is led by Dr. Nirmala Lekhak at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, School of Nursing. 

If you have any questions about this study, please contact the principal investigator by email: or by phone: 702-895-5983.

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