Research Impact Challenge Day 3: Share Your Work Online

Many of the scholarly and creative works that are created today are born digital, meaning that they are created electronically and tend to stay that way. It’s very rare to see printed publications such as scholarly journals, which means that much of our work is designed to be viewed and shared with others online.

In today’s challenge, we’re exploring all the different ways that you can share your scholarly and creative works online. This might include creating your own website, sharing work through a professional listserv, or sharing it on a social networking platform.

Complete today’s Research Impact Challenge and Bonus Challenge by exploring different opportunities to share your work online. Visit the website for complete instructions and to register your participation. 

Need help completing today’s challenge? Join Research Impact Librarian Christina Miskey for the Sharing Publications Online Lunch & Learn in the Goldfield Room at Lied Library from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Register to attend.

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Claytee White sits at a table in the library with her left hand on a stack of books
People | September 24, 2024

Interested in learning about Southern Nevada’s rich and complicated past? University Libraries Alumna of the Year Claytee White has the stories.