Research Impact Challenge Day 2: Make Your ORCID iD Work For You

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is a free 16-digit identifier that authors can use to distinguish themselves from other researchers with the same or similar names and ensure that their research is correctly attributed to them (even when published under a different name).

Having an ORCID iD also makes it easier to connect with other systems when submitting research for publication, applying for grants, and sharing your scholarship record with others.

For those looking to apply for federally funded grants, the NSPM-33 White House Memo has brought changes to requirements for federally funded research. Briefly, the memo states that identifiers, such as ORCID, are required when applying for grants. To find out more about funder requirements, contact the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Complete today’s Research Impact Challenge and Bonus Challenge using ORCID. Visit the website for complete instructions and to register your participation. 

Need help completing today’s challenge? Visit Research Impact Librarian Christina Miskey at the ORCID Pop-Up Table at the Lied Library Grad Commons from noon - 3 p.m. RSVP is not required, but you can add it to your calendar!


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