Healing Through Connections: Rest is Resistance

Join us today for the Care Center's Healing Through Connections: Rest is Resistance event.

April 9, from noon to 2 p.m. in the Student Union Ballroom B.

This event is an opportunity to explore restful practices for those who are sleep-deprived, advocating for justice, and seeking freedom from the pressures of grind culture. "Rest Is Resistance" serves as a rallying cry and a manifesto to challenge capitalist notions of productivity. Originating from and predominantly led by black women, this movement addresses the unique challenges faced through intersectionality. 

Our guest speaker, Tricia Hersey, author of "Rest Is Resistance" and founder of The Nap Ministry, brings two decades of expertise as a teaching artist, assistant archivist, community activist, and developer of arts-integrated curriculum. Come grab a free giveaway item!

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