Do You Have Outside Compensated Activities?

Many UNLV employees participate in a variety of activities related to their work at UNLV. Some of these activities involve a form of compensation that may require prior approval from their supervisor in order to provide the opportunity to evaluate whether an activity interferes with, or has the appearance of interfering with, an employee’s performance of duties as contracted or as otherwise specified. 

If the outside activity is not on the “Pre-Approved Activities” list or does not meet pre-approved requirements, an Outside Activity Request Form must be completed and forwarded to your supervisor/chair and unit head/dean for approval before each new activity begins. In addition, if you are a PI or co-PI on any federal-funded project, this form must also be approved by the Office of Research Integrity and by the vice president for research. Lastly, it is important to retain a copy of this form for your records, as you will be asked to attach it to your annual conflict of interest disclosure form. 

For additional information, please visit the Division of Research website.

People in the News

Brett Navziger on an a bench outside holding small metal pottery
People | December 16, 2024

As the head of access services for University Libraries, the former research chemist helps faculty and students find the best resources for achieving academic success.