ComPsych Webinar: Learning to Relax

This webinar is designed and delivered by UNLV’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider ComPsych’s internal staff of psychologists and adult learning experts. The 45-60-minute programs are informative and engaging. 

Stress is experienced in the body as tension. To manage stress we have several choices: reduce or eliminate the stressor, think about the stressor differently so it no longer causes tension, or change the way our body reacts to stress. The course will address the third option through exploring a variety of relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind. The class will allow participants to learn and experience several simple relaxation tools such as progressive muscle relaxation, abdominal relaxation breathing and visualization.

Time: Wednesday, July 10 at 9 a.m. Register via GoToWebinar.



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People in the News

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