Call for Applications: 2024-25 Leadership Development Series

The annual application period for the UNLV Leadership Experience and the President's Fellows Program is now open. These initiatives represent the second and third stages of a comprehensive three-part professional development series designed to foster leadership growth among UNLV employees.

The UNLV Leadership Experience (LE) is the second opportunity in our leadership series, targeting emerging leaders among faculty and staff. This program builds on the foundational skills developed in the Management Training Academy (MTA), offering insights into university administration. Participants will benefit from monthly seminars, workshops, and mentorship from senior university leaders. The LE is open to academic faculty, administrative faculty, and classified staff who have completed the MTA.

The President's Fellows Program (PFP) represents the pinnacle of our leadership series, tailored for faculty who show promise in institutional leadership. This exclusive opportunity pairs participants with the university's executive leaders for direct mentorship and engagement in high-level administrative projects. The PFP is available to academic faculty and administrative faculty, with completion of LE and MTA as prerequisites.

Both programs are integral to our mission of nurturing a culture of leadership and innovation at UNLV. Participants will not only advance their careers but also contribute significantly to our university's success.

Applications for the 2024-25 cohort of the LE and PFP programs will be accepted until 5 p.m. Friday, April 12, 2024. For more details and application procedures, please visit the respective program websites.

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