In The News: UNLV Health Primary Care: Internal Medicine

The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners reported the number of medical doctors’ licenses issued for the first half of the year is up 63% compared to last year. That’s enough licenses to bring Nevada’s number of doctors to nearly 17,000. While those numbers are helpful in the fight against our ongoing doctor shortage some Las Vegas doctors say those numbers could be misleading.

Years ago, you’d hear “public health,” and more than likely, you’d shrug. Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit. No one ignores it now. And the virus remains, people are still getting sick from it and experiencing long-term effects. But what’s its lethality today, has it weakened? Should we keep getting vaccinations?
Aahana (name changed on request), 16 years old, is a high-school student in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis-Wisconsin) who came to the United States as a child. She has an older sibling who has been a straight A student and is now in medical school. However, Aahana has always struggled with her performance in school. She has been shamed by her family and Indian-origin peers who have excelled in school. Her poor performance was always attributed to her laziness and a lack of applying herself.
An analysis of nearly 11,000 human cancers revealed how large chromosomal changes, called aneuploidies, can promote or slow the growth of tumors.
Research shows that if you have more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per week, your chance for developing prediabetes, the condition that leads to diabetes, increases by 46%.
Research shows that if you have more than three sugar-sweetened beverages per week, your chance for developing prediabetes, the condition that leads to diabetes, increases by 46 percent. Ivanhoe tells us which drinks can do the reverse and actually lower your risk.

As Nevada’s COVID-19 cases rise rapidly once again, local hospitalizations are also creeping up among mostly older seniors.

This dust season is the worst the Clark County Department of Air Quality has seen in more than a decade.

Jackie Redmond knows timing is everything. “We're here to get the wiggles out before nap time,” she says while pushing her two kids on the swings at Aliante Nature Discovery Park in North Las Vegas.

Pulmonary medicine has never been so critical than during a pandemic caused by a respiratory virus. Dr. Angelica Honsberg has played a central role in coordinating and providing care for many of the most critically ill COVID-19 patients in UMC’s Intensive Care Unit. She is also taking her first-hand experience and using it to further the knowledge and treatment of patients across the country.

Southern Nevada reported 869 new positive COVID-19 Tuesday and five more deaths. Cases are up to more than 90,000 since the pandemic began.

Abbie Purney knew her father was about to die. In the intensive care unit at Southern Hills Hospital and Medical Center, she tried to absorb every last detail.