Wide shot of the Las Vegas valley with the UNLV Greenspun Hall sign in the center.

Reid Public History Institute News

The Reid Public History Institute was created in 2022 with the mission to expand the study of the histories of labor, immigration, land use, industry, and the environment in Nevada and the surrounding region. The institute bears the name of Senator Harry Reid, whose lifelong enthusiasm for Nevada history helped to preserve and protect many of its treasures.

Reid Public History Institute In The News

KSNV-TV: News 3

Monday marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp. UNLV will host an educational event starting at 11:30 a.m. to honor the victims and survivors.

KSNV-TV: News 3

A new exhibit on the Holocaust has opened at the Nevada governor's office in Las Vegas. Gov. Joe Lombardo's office, the Nevada Center for Humanity, and the UNLV Reid Public History Institute hosted an open house Tuesday for the exhibit, titled "The Holocaust: Reconstructing Shattered Humanity."

Las Vegas Review Journal

A song by pop megastar Taylor Swift has brought new attention to Clara Bow, a major Hollywood film siren in the 1920s who famously left Tinsel Town for Southern Nevada to start a new life with with her cowboy actor husband, Rex Bell.

Recent Reid Public History Institute Accomplishments

Andy Kirk (History; Reid Public History Institute) presented his paper, "Bringing the Theory & Method of Environmental History to the Practice of Cultural Resource Management — Researching The California Surfing History Multiple Property Documentation," at the World Congress of Environmental History at Oulu University in Oulu Finland. The…