In The News: Campus Recreation Services and SRWC Facilities

Period poverty is not a term that many are familiar with but when it comes to an individual’s menstrual cycle there are many not getting the proper supplies they need. “We need help and people need to be aware that there are homeless women out there who are suffering in what can be an embarrassing situation,” Danielle Lacross shared.

Campus connection is the key to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas’s “Young Rebels” summer program, officials say, which allows young people to envision themselves participating in college life. “We call them our future rebels,” said Devan Harris, Early Outreach Coordinator. “They would have those opportunities to interact with faculty and current students at a really young age.”

Nevada often gets pegged as a haven for casinos, strippers, and non-stop revelry – and sure, it can live up to that reputation. But for locals, there's a whole world beyond the glitz of the casino floors. Nevada's outdoors provide an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. And with cooler temps before the summer heat, people are getting out there.
Finding and affording a new place to live can be one of the most difficult and stressful things to do when you’re moving, and one Boulder City resident came up with a unique solution when she moved to town from across the country.
Demand for food and mental health care has increased considerably during the Covid-19 crisis. Experts say the need will only increase during economic recovery. On this Nevada Week, experts give us updates on the “state of” now, and what the future may bring as we head into recovery.

The state of Nevada is now on the list of areas impacted by the COVID-19 after a Clark County man has tested positive for the coronavirus. Here's what we know.

The pressure to perform weighed heavily on Sierra Bumanglag.