The Substance Abuse Prevention Program located within UNLV's Counseling and Psychological Services Department will be holding events Oct.18-20 to commemorate National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week.
The events, to be held on the UNLV campus, are designed to raise campus awareness about the effects of drugs and alcohol.
On Oct.18, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in front of the Lied Library, the New Century Council Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Van will be present to increase awareness of Nevada's BAC law and how drinking affects it. The centerpiece of the event is a mini-CD-ROM that allows individuals to calculate their BAC level at a virtual bar based on gender, weight, and number of drinks consumed.
On Oct. 19, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. , at the Alumni Walk, UNLV Student Wellness will present Simulated Impaired Driving Experience (SIDNE(TM)), a battery-powered vehicle that simulates the effects of alcohol impairment on a motorist's driving skills. Students will also walk through several field sobriety tests with UNLV police officers.
On Oct. 20, at 6 p.m., in the Moyer Student Union Ballroom, a representative of Street Smart, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing teen injuries and fatalities, will speak to students about the consequences of irresponsible actions. The speaker will also educate students on emergency medical service ( EMS) procedures, which may reduce anxiety in future trauma experiences.
Anyone seeking additional information can contact UNLV Student Counseling and Psychological Services, Student Wellness Unit, at 895-3627.