The Urban Teaching Partnership (UTP) program, a collaborative effort between UNLV's College of Education and the Clark County School District, is holding informational meetings about its 1999-2000 internship program.
The meetings, which are being held for people interested in applying or who have already applied to the internship program, are scheduled for noon-1 p.m. Oct. 14 in the William D. Carlson Education Building, Room 205, and 7-8 p.m. Oct. 15 in the Hendrix Education Auditorium.
At the meetings UTP representatives will provide information about the program's purpose, student eligibility and benefits, and how to complete the application process. Both meetings will cover the same material.
The Urban Teaching Partnership is a one-year post-baccalaureate program for people who are interested in teaching in diverse urban settings. Selected interns work and observe classes with teacher mentors for one year while attending university classes and earning their teaching licenses from the state.
For more information, call the UTP office at 895-1290.