Experts In The News

Las Vegas Review Journal

Barb Edgemon and her late husband Daryn began their love affair with The Mirage hotel-casino during their honeymoon in 1995. The newlyweds from Spokane, Washington, were both blackjack dealers and spending time at one of the world’s premier casino properties was a natural fit.

The Conversation

As a science communication scholar, I’ve always supported vaccination and trusted medical experts – and I still do. As a new mom, however, I’ve been confronting new-to-me emotions and concerns while weighing decisions about my son’s health.

Verywell Mind

We all have that one friend who is shockingly adept at all things music-related. Whether they do it professionally or merely whip out their violin on special occasions, you can't help but wonder where their innate talent came from.

Las Vegas Review-Journal En Español

Before the Fourth of July holiday, Sandra Dimas filled up her tank at a Primm gas station on her way to Las Vegas from Southern California to participate in a dance contest, but she didn't plan on staying long.

Desert Research Institute

The question of whether Mars ever supported life has captivated the imagination of scientists and the public for decades. Central to the discovery is gaining insight into the past climate of Earth’s neighbor: was the planet warm and wet, with seas and rivers much like those found on our own planet? Or was it frigid and icy, and therefore potentially less prone to supporting life as we know it? A new study finds evidence to support the latter by identifying similarities between soils found on Mars and those of Canada’s Newfoundland, a cold subarctic climate.


Once upon a time, when you complimented someone’s skirt or dress, there was a solid chance she’d reply with, “Thanks, it has pockets!” These days, you’re more likely to be met with a different response, or rather a correction: “Thanks, it’s actually a skort.”


A supplement long used in fitness circles to beef up muscles may be coming to a Meal, Ready to Eat, or MRE, near you. Congress could soon ask the military to look at including creatine in MREs, the staples of field nutrition across the military.

Global Diaspora News

Walking along the edge of a seasonally dry lakebed on the eastern outskirts of Mexico City, there is near perfect silence except for the occasional airplane that flies overhead.